Thursday, December 22, 2011

All-American Muslim is a TV show! Why do we allow hate to grow?

 A friend asked me to give my opinion on the controversy surrounding the TLC show "All-American Muslim".  If you recall from my first post, I was excited for the show and felt it might be added to one my many TV viewing habits (All the House Wives, the annoying Kardashians, the occasional baby beauty pageants and I will admit at times Storage Auctions).  After watching the first show I realized it did not have enough drama, cat fights or enough bling to continue watching.  It has recently peaked my interest again to see which advertisers are taking advantage of the rating hikes and making a stand. 

Being in the media for a very long time, I understand an advertiser have a the right to pull out of any program they feel may upset their consumer, it is their right.  People this is a free country.  You can air whatever you want and  you can choose not to advertise in any program you do not want and you have choices to shop in other places if do not like what business stands for.  What puzzles me is why Lowe's  allowed  this to get to this level and where is their PR team.   

Why are we so quick to jump on Corporate America and see the giant fall and choose to ignore the real instigator  who caused all this - The Florida Family Association.  They are festering hate in this country, which makes them no different from the fundamentalist who teach young Muslims that all things West is bad and should be destroyed.  This will be another bullet for the fundamentalist to teach with  "see they are out to destroy Islam".  Although a fundamentalist may have an issue with the mini dressed Lebanon's girl  who wants to open a night club and was having a glass of white wine on the last show.

Lets not forget all the things that makes this country so amazing and great.  Our foundation is rooted in our beliefs of freedom and equality.  I was recently watching Lidia-celebrates-america on PBS (yes I do watch that channel) and she walked us through a Chinese New Year dinner and a Jewish Passover Seder.  I found the show so fascinating because she showed that everyone is welcomed in America.  Everyone came here for a dream. Maybe the 35,000 + members of FFA and David Caton should go back to wherever their ancestors originated  from and live outside of the United States for a year or two.  Just maybe that will remind them why  we all live here! 

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